Learn to be a more confident and bold women with life coach Tami Keehn.


Resources + examples for women who are ready to become liberated, successful, and free. We are all about self-love here and helping you break the mold, feel sexy in your skin, and get out of your own damn way through life-affirming photography and empowerment coaching.


If you’re thinking, “Yes, I’d love to wear a little more self-confidence, but I’m not sure where to find it!” I get it! In this day and age where everyone is showing their highlight reels on social media, it can sometimes feel like you can’t compare. You can feel deflated. But confidence isn’t something that […]

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Learn to be a more confident and bold women with life coach Tami Keehn.


How to Become a Bold(her) + More Confident Woman

If you’re thinking, “Yes, I’d love to wear a little more self-confidence, but I’m not sure where to find it!” I get it! In this day and age where everyone is showing their highlight reels on social media, it can sometimes feel like you can’t compare. You can feel deflated. But confidence isn’t something that […]

Design your intentional life with life coach Tami Keehn.


7 Habits to Help You Live a More Intentional Life

Life can be a little crazy + chaotic at times. Oh, who am I kidding…a LOT of the time! Amirite?!  Oftentimes it feels like the world around us is controlling our life instead of us having a handle on it. But how can you learn to be more intentional in a world that feels like […]

Word of the Year by life coach Tami Keehn.


How to Choose Your Word of the Year + Why You Should Have One

As we approach the end of the year, you might come across the term “WOTY” on the Internet. Have you ever chosen a Word of the Year? If not, let me explain why I think it’s worth trying for the upcoming new year. When the new year begins, many of us feel it’s a great […]

The Secret to Getting What You want


The Secret to Getting What You Want

How often do you find yourself sitting at your desk dreaming about what life would be like if you could just win the lottery? Or if you could marry the hottest, richest, kindest celebrity out there? You may roll your eyes thinking this can’t happen, but what if I told you that I had the […]

Decision Fatigue - A guide to making tough decisions by Tami Keehn


How to Beat Decision Fatigue: A Guide to Making Big Decisions

Do you ever find yourself paralyzed when it comes to making a big decision? The fear of making the wrong choice can leave you feeling stuck and unable to move forward. It’s emotionally and mentally exhausting to stay in limbo. But here’s a little secret I want to share with you: making decisions, no matter […]

Your Dream Day - Make it a Reality


7 Steps to Design Your Dream Day (and How to Make It A Reality)

Have you ever taken time to envision what a perfect day in your life even looks like to you? We all have dreams at some point or another about owning that dream car, traveling first class worldwide a few times a year, or living in your oceanside mansion (and your quant rustic cabin during the […]

How to trust yourself and overcome your fears by certified life coach Tami Keehn.


How to Trust Yourself and Overcome Fear

Yes, fear is a mechanism meant to protect us from imminent danger. So fear has a purpose that it serves us. It is definitely a good thing. But most day-to-day fears tend to only pretend to be useful, and more times than not, they can be irrational or even unnecessary. So how do you learn […]


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Beauty is an inside job. Discover how to feel more confident and love yourself with these actionable tips, free to your inbox.


No matter how we work together, you will come away rooted in your self-worth and inner strength, with a stronger mindset, confidence, and clear direction towards your dreams & goals. Step into your greatness, through life-affirming photography, mentoring, and education.

Confidence this way >