Client Interview | Tampa Boudoir Photoshoot with Mary


June 13, 2023

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Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami

It’s been a little while since I’ve done a boudoir client interview, so you are in for a treat with my most recent one with Mary.

We actually first “met” when she signed up for some 1:1 life coaching with me. On the call she said she’d actually been looking to get some photos done, but really connected with my message about coaching and working on your mindset to create the life you dream of, so we started there. Then as we were coaching and she was starting to step into the future version of herself that she’s been looking for, I posted a petit boudoir sale and she knew straight away this was what she needed + wanted to do for herself. And let me tell you…since that first session, she’s done two more of them! Yes, the boost of confidence + empowerment you get from these shoots is THAT powerful! You may find yourself wanting to document every evolution of your self-image with another shoot…and as you should!

 But without further ado, read up below to see what Mary has to say about her boudoir experience(s). Can you tell which images are from her first and which one was from her last? (I personally can see the growth in confidence, but I’m curious if you will pick up on it too! ) And also be sure to also check out some of my other boudoir interviews here!

Tell me about your journey to doing a boudoir session. (Ie, What were your reasons for doing one? Have you wanted to do a session for some time? Or was this decision impulsive?)

It wasn’t an impulsive decision, but I hadn’t really planned on doing it either. I was feeling better about myself – more confident in my body after working out at the gym for several months, losing some Covid weight- and wanted to do something nice for myself.

Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn.

If you’d wanted to do a session in the past but didn’t, what was hindering you from taking the leap?

I hesitated because I’m not young anymore, a plus-size woman, and never have felt terribly photogenic.

Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn.

What was the tipping point in you finally deciding to do a session?

Reading the stories of the other women who had done boudoir photo sessions who were ecstatic with their results and saying how it gave them confidence. Plus, I had been working on becoming happier with myself (mind & body) post-covid and there happened to be a mini-boudoir sale going on – the timing was perfect!

Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn. Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn.

Why did you choose me as your photographer for your boudoir session?

Having worked with you as my life coach, I knew I could trust you and I felt comfortable sharing any concerns or insecurities I had or might have during the shoot. And you listened and took great care to make me look as good as possible and de-accentuate the parts I was more self-conscious about.

Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn.

How did you feel in the days leading up to your shoot?

Very nervous- and worried none of my clothes would be flattering or if I’d bring the right kind. Plus, I never felt very photogenic and was worried I was wasting my money on something silly.

Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn.

How would you describe the actual session experience? Did you have nerves? How did it feel to be in front of the camera?

It felt a little awkward at first- but more about the smiling into the camera than what I was wearing. Some of the poses were fun (like the floofy tulle skirt), and sometimes a little awkward. I soon became less self-conscious about smiling /looking into the camera and enjoyed modeling.

Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn. Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn.

How did you feel after the shoot? And then when you saw your photos for the first time?

Immediately after, I felt like I accomplished something big- and I had! A photoshoot of any kind was way out of my comfort zone, let alone showing off my body. When I saw the first picture, I didn’t even realize it was of me! I was amazed at how well the photos turned out and how flattering they were.

Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn. Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn.

Did your boudoir experience change the way you see yourself?

These pictures definitely changed the way I see myself. Growing up, I was never “the pretty one” and often felt like the supporting actress. Once I saw pictures of this beautiful overweight sexy woman (who may or may not be in her 60s), I was overwhelmed. I didn’t expect them to turn out that well. I felt like I could accomplish anything now, I’m the star of my own show and there will be no more waiting to do things “until I lose 10 more pounds”. I am very proud of how far I’ve come and happy to be where I am. People can look great at any age or with any size or shape. I only wish I’d done this about 20 years ago too!

Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn.

What would you tell someone that was still on the fence about having a session done with me?

Do it for yourself – even if you never share the pictures with another living soul, you’ll feel great in every way- how you look, yes, but even more how you feel (braver, more confident, sexy).

Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn. Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn.

Any final thoughts you’d like to share?

The professional hair and makeup pampering was a special bonus – plus it’s a chance to try out new looks and personalities. Your outfits can be as edgy or demure as you want to be I did some of both). The photos capture your personality and inner essence in a spectacular way. And I plan to schedule another session soon!

Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn. Plus size mature boudoir shoot and client interview with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn.

Think you are ready to feel confident + sexy no matter your age or what the scale says vs what you think it should say? Want to see yourself as the beautiful woman your loved ones already see you as? Let’s get you scheduled for your session now! My summer is almost booked up and my fall is also filling in fast!

See my boudoir portfolio page for more information about booking your Tampa boudoir session!

Also, if you’d like to see some sneak peeks before everyone else does, join The Empowered Woman Collective on Facebook today!

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