
Sultry Boudoir Session in Tampa | Tami Keehn, LLC

  If ever there was a bigger compliment, it would be for another local area creative – whose work so inspires me – to send me a message saying, “I want you to photograph me”.  This is exactly what the lovely Natalie, of Belle Fleur Studio, did just a few months back. And before you knew […]


Tampa Boudoir Session

I get many women that say they want to have a boudoir session, but they feel they aren’t quite ready for it yet. Hogwash, girlfriend! Lol. You totally have got this! I hear quite frequently that they are interested but they’d like to “lose another 15 lbs” first. I say join the club…don’t we all feel […]


A Moody Intimate Session | Boudoir Photography Tampa

I love it when I get the text or email, “I want to shoot more boudoir photography with you.” It makes me smile knowing that my ladies leave their sessions feeling empowered and beautiful, so much so they want to have another opportunity at it. Maybe this time she has a little more confidence and […]


The Next Chapter: Starting Anew in Florida

  “The best adventures are the ones that we are the most uncertain about. The unknown can be a terrifying thing, but to me it’s also one of the most exciting.” – Sarah Murphy This post has been quite a while in the making, but also one of the hardest and most nerve-wracking to start, […]


I’m a Traveling Woman…

  As I’m sure many of you know, I’ve been bitten by the travel bug and there’s no turning back. 😉 “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us…” Every trip has been a wonderful adventure that leads to learning new things and making new friends along the way. And […]

San Francisco, California Travel by Tami Keehn


California Dreaming: Road Tripping in San Luis Obispo & San Francisco

When I look at the Cleveland forecast for this first week of January and see temps reaching into the negatives, it makes me immediately want to hop on a plan to somewhere warm! One of those places being California. Every trip I’ve made out there has been packed full of pure “amazingness”!  And while a […]


November Wanderlust…

To say that September and October have been crazy busy months, would be an understatement! So now that November is here, it’s time for me to take a little break from the daily grind to pursue one of my favorite pastimes…traveling. This time I am headed to the West Coast to meet up with a […]


Rhiannon’s Portraits in Ireland

  Sometimes life throws some amazing opportunities at me. One being my amazing friend Rhiannon.  I had the fortune of meeting her a few years back when I was still working in fitness and I started working with her as her personal trainer. Our sessions together turned into the highlights of my day as we […]


Europe Trip Part 1 – Dublin – Cashel – Cork

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine Traveling is something that I think I’ve grown to love a little later in life than I would have liked. But that’s not keeping me from making sure I see the world and all the pages of […]


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No matter how we work together, you will come away rooted in your self-worth and inner strength, with a stronger mindset, confidence, and clear direction towards your dreams & goals. Step into your greatness, through life-affirming photography, mentoring, and education.

Confidence this way >