Author headshots with St Pete Branding photographer Tami Keehn


Resources + examples for women who are ready to become liberated, successful, and free. We are all about self-love here and helping you break the mold, feel sexy in your skin, and get out of your own damn way through life-affirming photography and empowerment coaching.


Recently, Alexandria reached out to me because she was looking to get an updated headshot + some branding portraits before the launch of her new book The Fianceé Farce. For her photos, she wanted something that emphasized her youthful + feminine vibe as a contemporary romance author. She was interested in having images that had […]

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Author headshots with St Pete Branding photographer Tami Keehn


Author Headshot Portraits | Alexandria Bellfleur

Recently, Alexandria reached out to me because she was looking to get an updated headshot + some branding portraits before the launch of her new book The Fianceé Farce. For her photos, she wanted something that emphasized her youthful + feminine vibe as a contemporary romance author. She was interested in having images that had […]

St Pete Personal Branding photos by photographer Tami Keehn


Content Development Coach | St Pete Branding Photos for The Dashing Ginger

My friend Kristin Berry, a fellow creative entrepreneur and photographer, connected at the end of the year to do some branding photos for each other and our businesses as we were both evolving into the next chapters of our brands. When you both are photographers, creatives, + coaches doing what you love and helping your […]

BoldHER empowerment photos with St Petersburg Florida photographer Tami Keehn


A New + BoldHER Woman | St Pete Empowerment Portraits

When you go through a transformational year, there’s nothing better than celebrating the new you with some BoldHER empowerment portraits. As Tiahna approached her 27th birthday, she wanted to do a little something to celebrate the woman she was becoming. She wanted to reflect on all that she had achieved up to this point and […]

Branding photos for psychologist and emotional wellness coach Dr Alysondra Dukes by Tampa photographer Tami Keehn.


Psychologist + Wellness Coach | Branding Photos for Dr Alysondra

Dr. Alysondra Duke reached out to me while she was going through a rebranding with her psychology and emotional wellness coaching business. She was ready to switch up the vibe of website + social media and needed some photos that were in alignment so she could attract her ideal clients. When she first contacted me, […]

A woman poses for some bold + empowered photos with Tampa branding photographer Tami Keehn.


Entering Her 30’s with Boldness | Tampa Empowered Photos

When it came to booking her BoldHER photos, Krista said the main reason she inquired was she had been thinking about doing a photoshoot to portray HER for HER as she entered into her 30th year. She wanted to document this exhilarating time in her life and loved how these boldHER sessions were all about […]

Real Estate branding photos in downtown St Petersburg with Tampa branding photographer - Tami Keehn.


Real Estate Branding Photos | Liz Marcucci for Keller Williams

Liz reached out to me a few months back about getting some new branding photos as she had recently gotten her real estate license here in St Petersburg, Florida. When I chatted with Liz on her initial discovery call, we immediately hit it off and I knew it was going to be such a pleasure […]

Tampa personal branding photos of Angela Kumar with branding photographer Tami Keehn.


Personal Branding Photos | Revive Home’s Angela Kumar

Angela reached out to me about getting some personal branding photos to help her evolve her social media presence with her business Revive Home + Renovations. Angela wanted to incorporate herself more into the photos that she share on social media with her design work + renovations. She wanted to make her feed feel a […]

Regain Confidence with a BoldHER Empowered Portrait Experience with Tampa Photographer Tami Keehn.


Regain Your Confidence | St Pete Empowered Portraits

When it came to booking her BoldHER portraits, Sabrina said the main reason she inquired was she wanted to regain her confidence. She had quit smoking not too long ago (Wahoo!) but unfortunately had gained about 60 lbs as an effect of that habit change. But Sabrina wasn’t going to let those 60 lbs stay […]

Empowering BoldHER portraits of a blond woman on Fort De Soto Beach by Tami Keehn.


BoldHER for Year 32 | Tampa Bay Empowered Portraits

When I announced my model call for my new BoldHER portrait experience, Leanne came about the post on a whim and decided to apply. This empowering portrait experience came at what seemed like a serendipitous moment with her 32nd birthday on the horizon. After a divorce trama that left her feeling uncomfortable in her own […]


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No matter how we work together, you will come away rooted in your self-worth and inner strength, with a stronger mindset, confidence, and clear direction towards your dreams & goals. Step into your greatness, through life-affirming photography, mentoring, and education.

Confidence this way >