Client Interview | Boudoir Photoshoot with Robyn


October 30, 2019

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Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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It’s time for client boudoir interview #4, this time with the gorgeous vixen, Robyn.

It seems like y’all are loving these client interviews. They’ve been some of my top blog posts lately. I’m guessing it’s because you can all relate with the women here speaking about why they wanted to do their sessions. They all may be slightly different (ie, as a gift for your husband, a gift for yourself, or even a reward for some improvements with your health and fitness), but they all have the same general consensus that these boudoir photoshoots are an amazing and empowering experience. So without further ado, read up below to see what Miss “fifty and fabulous!” Robyn has to say about her experience (And be sure to also check out my other boudoir interviews here!)

Brunette 50 year old woman describes her boudoir session experience with Tampa photographer Tami Keehn

Tell me about your journey to doing a boudoir session. (Ie, What were your reasons for doing one? Have you wanted to do a session for some time? Or was this decision impulsive?)

I spent most of my life feeling very plain and boring. Suddenly, I was approaching 50 and going through menopause. Rather than heading into this new part of my life feeling like I was becoming an old lady, I wanted to do something outside my comfort zone, capture my youth, and feel like a beautiful woman. I thought a boudoir session would be perfect. It took me a very long time, researching photographers, finding one that projected a certain style that I liked, and planning how I wanted my photo session to go.

Curly-haired brunette poses in lacy shaw for a session with Tampa boudoir photographer - Tami Keehn

If you’d wanted to do a session in the past but didn’t, what was hindering you from taking the leap?

Honestly, finances were a concern. This is a big investment! When I finally got the money to do it though, I did not hesitate or feel guilty for splurging on myself.

(Note: I do offer financing with your artwork. If that is the only that that is keeping you from booking a session, contact me and I’ll tell you the deets!)

Client boudoir interview with Tampa boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Client boudoir interview with Tampa boudoir photographer Tami Keehn

What was the tipping point in you finally deciding to do a session?

It just all sort of came together: right time, right photographer, finances in place.

Mature boudoir session in a lacy cardigan by Tampa boudoir photographer Tami Keehn

Why did you choose me as your photographer for your boudoir session?

I had been looking at your website over and over and loved the way you photographed women. They all looked so natural and relaxed yet still sexy. If anyone could make me look hot in a plain white t-shirt, I knew you could!

Client boudoir interview with Tampa boudoir photographer Tami Keehn

How did you feel in the days leading up to your shoot?

Like a kid waiting for Christmas. I wasn’t nervous at all, just super excited!

Woman in a white button down shirt poses for boudior photos with Tampa photographer Tami Keehn

How would you describe the actual session experience? Did you have nerves? How did it feel to be in front of the camera?

As I mentioned, I was not nervous. I didn’t pay any attention to the camera. I focused on you and your suggestions for posing. I thought about how exciting it would be to see my photos.

Woman poses on a bed for a photoshoot with St Pete boudoir photographer Tami Keehn

How did you feel after the shoot? And then when you saw your photos for the first time?

After the shoot, I was sad that it was over and wanted to do it again! When I saw the photos for the first time, they were everything that I hoped they would be.

(Note: Did you know that my past boudoir clients receive a special discount if they want to do another boudoir shoot? Let me know if you want the deets!)

Wet white t-shirt pose during a photoshoot with St Pete boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman in a wet white t-shirt poses for a photoshoot with Tampa boudoir photographer Tami Keehn

Did your boudoir experience change the way you see yourself?

I’m more confident now as a 50!year old than I was when I was 25. Although I had my hair and makeup done for my session, I came away feeling like I really didn’t need those things on a daily basis to still feel pretty.

Mature woman grabs her bra strap for a photoshoot with Tampa boudoir photographer Tami Keehn

What would you tell someone that was still on the fence about having a session done with me?

Get off that uncomfortable fence. Jump over here where the grass really is greener and DO IT. Even if is just for yourself. Especially if it is just for yourself. You won’t regret it. You’ll wonder why you waited so long!

Close-up of a woman's lips for a boudoir session with Sarasota boudoir photographer Tami Keehn

Any final thoughts you’d like to share?

I’m gonna do it again when I’m 60, for sure!! (Or when I’m 55. Or if it’s a day ending in a “y.”)

Think you are ready to take the leap and do a boudoir shoot for yourself? It’s an awesome way to start off the new year feeling empowered!

See my boudoir portfolio page for more information about booking your Tampa boudoir session!

Also, if you’d like to see some sneak peeks before everyone else does, join the St Pete VIP Boudoir Group by Tami Keehn on Facebook today!


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