Sarasota Boudoir | Intimate Lifestyle Photographer


October 17, 2016

follow @tamikeehn
Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami

Can I get a “Hell yeah!” for all the women out there wanting to do more of a lifestyle approach with their boudoir session these days? I think this is so rad, and right up my alley!  What I mean by intimate lifestyle portraits, is that we will approach these with less of the super posed pin-up style, and more of what I feel one would find in a natural setting {for a partner to walk in on}. Picture outfits that are more relaxed and loungy – think loose sweaters, tanks, casual undies…which I feel is equally as (if not more) sexy than the fancy expensive stuff you’d find at Victoria’s Secret or Agent Provocateur. Because in all honesty, it’s really all about the sexy lady wearing the clothes and not the clothes themselves. Guys just want to take those silly clothes off anyways…amirite? 😉

So when the lovely Miss S approached me for her session, I was super pumped because she mentioned she loved the “natural basic feel” of the images I shared online…that were with cable knit sweaters and sheets, etc. And she brought some absolutely amazing pieces with her, to reflect this at her session. And thus, we ended up with some super sultry photos, because girlfran’ was working it! Below are a few favorites of Miss S’s that she is allowing me to share from her session. Enjoy!

PS, just a friendly reminder, I only share photos I’ve been given permission to share. So don’t let that fear get in the way of doing a session for yourself! 😉

Hair & Makeup by: Bella Ti Artistry

Intimate Lifestyle Photography by Tami Keehn moody boudoir photos by Tami Keehn Sarasota intimate lifestyle boudoir photography by Tami Keehn Intimate Lifestyle Photography by Tami Keehn black and white Intimate Lifestyle Photography by Tami Keehn girl lounging by the window in an off shoulder sweater by Tami Keehn moody boudoir photography by Tami Keehn boudoir outfits by tami keehn Intimate Lifestyle Photography by Tami Keehn Intimate Lifestyle Photography by Tami Keehn emotional boudoir photography by Tami Keehn Intimate Lifestyle Photography by Tami Keehn 2016-10-17_0043 black bra and panties photo by Tami Keehn Girl arching her back on bed by tami keehn Fémme tshirt boudoir by Tami Keehn Fémme tshirt boudoir by Tami Keehn Fémme tshirt boudoir by Tami Keehn topless girl on bed - boudoir by Tami Keehn off-shoulder shirt for boudoir by Tami Keehn St Pete boudoir photographer - Tami Keehn Calvin Klein Undies for boudoir by Tami Keehn Calvin Klein Undies for boudoir by Tami Keehn

Want to feel sexy in your everyday attire? Then it’s time to set yourself up with a sexy intimate lifestyle session!
See my pricing page or contact me today to book your Tampa Bay area boudoir session!


If you’d like to first to know about boudoir promotions and see sneaks peeks before everyone else does, join the Tamarie Photography VIP Boudoir Group on Facebook today!


Comments +

  1. Yuly says:

    Awesome pics

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