Redefining Yourself | Boudoir Photography Tampa


April 1, 2022

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Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami

Miss V reach out to me not that long ago about doing a redefining boudoir session.

So what exactly did a redefining boudoir shoot mean to her? She told me that after going through a divorce just under 2 years ago, she felt like she was finally re-finding herself as a woman and not just as a mother. She was finding who she was as a lover in a new relationship and wanted to find the confidence that fell to the wayside over time. While she planned to share these photos with her new partner, these photos were about renewing her confidence and feeling sexy, beautiful, and sensual in her own skin. She wanted to redefine the woman that she was and become the woman that she wanted to be.

And I think her boudoir session accomplished just that! I could see at the start…her hesitancies, her shyness, her nerves, but as we progressed with her session, she opened up and wow…the confidence found its way through all the nerves!  After her shoot, she told me that she has one of the photos we took sitting above her vanity as a daily reminder of the woman she is and how much she loved the photos from her session.

So without further ado, here are some of our favorite images from the session that she is kindly allowing me to share with you. Enjoy!

Hair & Makeup by Ramona Dauska

Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman dWoman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehnoes a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn Woman does a redefining boudoir session with Tampa Boudoir photographer Tami Keehn

Ready to redefine your confidence with a sexy boudoir shoot? Let’s get you scheduled for your high-end Tampa Bay boudoir experience!
See my pricing page or contact me today to book your sexy boudoir session!


If you’d like to be the first to know about boudoir promotions, see sneaks peeks before everyone else does, and just be a part of a group of amazing women, join the Empowered Woman Collective group on Facebook today!


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