Fine Art Nudes | Tampa Boudoir Photography


June 22, 2017

follow @tamikeehn
Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami


A common question I will get from potential boudoir clients is, “Do I have to pose nude?”

The answer is no. You do not need to get down to your birthday suit or go topless if you do not feel comfortable with it. I have photographed varying levels of clothing and they all exude sexiness. I love anything from the lifestyle look with sweaters and provocative lingerie…to sans bra…to nude.  The thing about a boudoir session is you get to do YOU. You get to find your level of comfort and push it within your bounds. So if you don’t want to go sans clothes, no worries. If you do though, you can guarantee I will be there to help make it an experience that you feel at ease and comfortable in.

With the lovely Miss H, she was a wee bit nervous for her session, but also super excited! And she let me know ahead of time that she was interested in doing some tasteful topless shots. With her images, we worked with shadows and light to provide her with something that was artistic in nature and also pushed her outside of her comfort zone. The human form is so incredibly amazing and we should really be embracing it in all it’s forms instead of feeling the need to cover it up. There’s such a stigma with nudity these days which I think is silly! Look back to the earlier days of art and you can see all different types of nude work and it’s absolutely stunning! (If you want to catch a glimpse of the breathtaking Statue of David from my trip to Italy, you can do so here.) I think this session was an eye-opening one for both Miss H and for me. It gave her a better appreciation to the beauty she exudes, and as for me, I too can sometimes be timid to let people push their boundaries more and I shouldn’t be.  Below are a few favorites of Miss H’s session. She loved her session so much she gave me no limitations on what I could share. Yay! Enjoy!

Hair & Makeup by: Bella Ti Artistry

Topless boudoir by Tami Keehn Fine Art Nude boudoir by Tami Keehn Fine Art Nude boudoir by Tami Keehn Topless boudoir by Tami Keehn Topless boudoir by Tami Keehn Topless boudoir by Tami Keehn Topless boudoir by Tami Keehn Topless Boudoir by Tampa boudoir photographer - Tami Keehn Topless Boudoir by Tampa boudoir photographer - Tami Keehn Topless Boudoir by Tampa boudoir photographer - Tami Keehn Tasteful boudoir by St Pete boudoir Photographer - Tami Keehn Tasteful boudoir by St Pete boudoir Photographer - Tami Keehn Tasteful boudoir by St Pete boudoir Photographer - Tami Keehn Tasteful boudoir by St Pete boudoir Photographer - Tami Keehn Tasteful boudoir by St Pete boudoir Photographer - Tami Keehn Topless girl laughing during a boudoir session by Tami Keehn

Want to embrace how beautiful you truly are for a day? Then it’s time to set yourself up with a sexy intimate shoot!
See my pricing page or contact me today to book your Tampa boudoir session!


If you’d like to first to know about boudoir promotions and see sneaks peeks before everyone else does, join the Tamarie Photography VIP Boudoir Group on Facebook today!


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  1. […] birthday is just around the corner! Have a little fun in your birthday suit! […]

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