Don’t Let Fear Stop You | Tampa Boudoir Photography


November 13, 2018

follow @tamikeehn
Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami

She almost didn’t book her boudoir session. She was super nervous and fear kept her from booking the first time she inquired.  

Then she saw my Black Friday Sale from last year and it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. But despite that…the nerves were still there for Miss L, and she still contemplated. And you know what, I totally get it! It can be super nerve-wracking to allow yourself to be so vulnerable. Our insecurities can get the best of us. But I will let you know…the times where I’ve been the most vulnerable and open to opportunity are the ones that I have reaped the most reward, and I’m so grateful for those times.

But as you can guess…Miss L’s story didn’t stop there. I got this email a little bit later and I was so amazingly pumped!!

“Ahhhh! Oh my gosh, I did it. Actually, my husband did, because I couldn’t press the button. Thank you so much for your patience and encouragement. I’m really looking forward to this!”

But even after she booked my biggest sale of the year and we had her on the calendar, it still almost didn’t happen. She had some health complications come up and she was anxious about what we should do and if we could still do it. We chatted and ultimately we decided to continue on with the shoot. And I am so incredibly thankful that we did! I could tell when we first arrived to start hair + makeup that she was tense and not quite at ease. But by the time we finished, I don’t think anything could have wiped the smile from her face! Or her husband’s when he came home at the conclusion of her session. His eyes about popped out of his head and he couldn’t stop telling her how gorgeous she looked! Which were thanks to the extras special touch of glamming done by Ashley Ann Hair + Makeup and the skyrocketing confidence from finishing up her session! It’s sessions like these that truly warm my heart and makes me so ecstatic that I get to do what I do for a living! So here are a few of my favorites that she is kindly allowing me to share with y’all from her stunning boudoir shoot! Enjoy!

Beautiful brunette in a silk and lace slip for a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. Beautiful brunette in a silk and lace slip for a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. Beautiful brunette in a silk and lace slip for a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. Smiling brunette in a silk and lace slip doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. Stunning brunette in a silk and lace slip doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. Stunning brunette in a silk and lace slip doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. Stunning brunette in a silk and lace slip doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. Smiling brunette in a silk and lace slip doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette woman in a silk and lace slip doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette woman in a silk and lace slip holds onto her strap for a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette woman in a silk and lace slip holds onto her strap for a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette woman in a silk and lace slip doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette woman in a silk and lace slip doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette woman in a silk and lace slip doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette woman in a silk and lace slip doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette woman in a silk and lace slip doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette in a sexy red bra lies on a bed for a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette in a sexy red bra lies on a bed for a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A black and white image of a woman lying on a bed for a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A black and white image of a woman lying on a bed for a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A woman in a corset and cat ears for a sexy Tampa boudoir session with Tamarie Photography. A woman in a corset and cat ears for a sexy Tampa boudoir session with Tamarie Photography. A woman in a corset and cat ears for a sexy Tampa boudoir session with Tamarie Photography. A moody ring shot of a woman lying on a bed for a St Petersburg boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette woman in an animal skin corset doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A brunette woman in an animal skin corset doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn. A smiling brunette woman in an animal skin corset doesn't let fear keep her from a Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn.

Are you realizing now after reading this post that you don’t want to miss out on my Black Friday Sale? Then be sure to sign up for my VIP Boudoir Insiders Mailing List so you get early access to the deal!
See my pricing page or contact me today to book your Tampa boudoir session!


Also, if you’d like to see some sneaks peeks before everyone else does, join the Tamarie Photography VIP Boudoir Group on Facebook today!


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