The Boudoir Experience | Saint Petersburg Boudoir Session


August 8, 2017

follow @tamikeehn
Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami


After every boudoir session, I always ask my boudoir babes to tell me what they thought about the experience. So I thought it would be fun to share with you the responses from a recent client.

“This session exceeded my expectations. I wanted to do some photos for my fiancé for our wedding, and I had found you on Instagram. I loved your photos! My favorite part about the session was that it was so relaxed and, of course, the photos turned out so well! If I had any advice for anyone considering doing their own boudoir session it would be to just go for it! Tami was amazing and she made me feel comfortable with the experience! I am definitely telling all my friends to go to you!”

It’s hearing words like this from my clients that make me love what I do even more each day! I do these sessions because I want to empower women to embrace how wonderful they truly are! And while many may do a session as a gift for their partner (which is what Miss J did!), I’ve learned that ultimately it’s the best gift a woman can give to herself…a day of pampering and seeing the beauty she possesses the way her friends and loved ones do.

So if you are still nervous about doing a boudoir experience, please hop over to my Tamarie Photography VIP Boudoir Group on Facebook where you will find past, present, and future boudoir babes to ask all about the experience and bond over being wonderful, kick-ass women! 😉

But in the meantime, here’s some of my favorite images from Miss J’s session that she’s letting me share with you. Enjoy!

black and white photo of a girl in a black bra and robe by Tami Keehn Tampa boudoir experience - Girl in black bra with floral robe by Tami Keehn Tampa boudoir experience - Girl in black bra with floral robe by Tami Keehn Girl lying on bed in white lingerie and lace robe by Tami Keehn Bridal boudoir photo with girl in white lingerie and pearls by Tami Keehn Girl in white lingerie and pearls by St Pete boudoir photographer - Tami Keehn Girl in white lingerie and pearls by St Pete boudoir photographer - Tami Keehn Girl in white lingerie and pearls by St Pete boudoir photographer - Tami Keehn Girl in white lingerie by Tampa boudoir photographer - Tami Keehn Woman laughing in hot pink lingerie during her Tampa boudoir session with Tami Keehn

Are you ready to embrace the boudoir experience? Then let’s get started with setting you up with a sexy intimate shoot!
See my pricing page or contact me today to book your Tampa boudoir session!


If you’d like to first to know about boudoir promotions and see sneaks peeks before everyone else does, join the Tamarie Photography VIP Boudoir Group on Facebook today!


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