Tampa Bridal Boudoir | The Perfect Gift


May 10, 2017

follow @tamikeehn
Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami

Nothing says love quite as perfectly as a bridal boudoir session.

  This is a trend that really seemed to pick up steam about 10 years ago, and is still going strong ever since! (And I’m so thankful that it has!) What better way to ease your partner wedding day nerves than to make them smile with a little sneak peek as to what they have in store for the all important “wedding day night”. (wink, wink) And while I still feel strongly that a boudoir session is 99% of the time more of a gift for the woman experiencing it, I will always cheer for any reason that helps give a woman a little nudge to spend an afternoon feeling empowered in her own skin.  Because every woman deserves that.

For this session, I greeted Miss N and one of her best gal pals (who had decided to come along for moral support since Miss N had a few butterflies leading up to the session) in her Tampa Bay home. This lovely lady had been working hard on getting in shape for these photos as well as for her big day, so once we got started, the nerves seemed to quickly dissipate and there was no stopping her! She rocked out some super sexy images for her groom-to-be. And I’m not gonna lie, some of her shots that have turned into a few of my all-time favorites! Below are a few favorites of this bombshell’s session that she is allowing me to share with all of you. Enjoy!

*Pro Tip*: If you are thinking about gifting your fiancé with boudoir photos for the day you tie the knot, I recommend booking for a date at least 6 weeks prior to your wedding date. 

Boudoir photos with chucks and marvel undies by Tami Keehn Boudoir photos with chucks and marvel undies by Tami KeehnBoudoir photos with chucks by Tami Keehn Boudoir with an off-shoulder sweatshirt and tighty whities by Tami Keehn Tampa Bridal Boudoir by Tami Keehn Tampa Bridal Boudoir by Tami Keehn Pink lips and lingerie boudoir by Tami Keehn Intimate lifestyle boudoir portraits by St Pete Photographer - Tami Keehn Pulling on thigh high stockings by Tami Keehn High end lifestyle boudoir by Tami Keehn Moody lifestyle boudoir photo by St Pete photographer - Tami Keehn Boudoir with an American Flag Boudoir with an American Flag Sexy strong back for boudoir session by Tami Keehn Sexy strong back for boudoir session by Tami Keehn Sexy strong back for boudoir session by Tami Keehn Curvy bridal boudoir by Tami Keehn Curvy bridal boudoir by Tami Keehn Boudoir in red lace jumper by Tami Keehn Bridal boudoir with woman putting on garter High end lifestyle boudoir by Tami Keehn

Are you thinking about boudoir photos as a wedding day gift? Then it’s time to set yourself up with a sexy intimate shoot!
See my pricing page or contact me today to book your Tampa boudoir session!


If you’d like to first to know about boudoir promotions and see sneaks peeks before everyone else does, join the Tamarie Photography VIP Boudoir Group on Facebook today!


Comments +

  1. Natalie says:

    These images are absolutely stunning! Love your work!

  2. Rebekah says:

    She is SO stunning! I adore your boudoir sessions and will definitely schedule one if we’re ever in the area! <3

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