Outdoor boudoir session near Snoqualmie Falls by Tampa Boudoir Photographer - Tami Keehn


Outdoor Boudoir | Snoqualmie Pass Boudoir Session

Outdoor boudoir…is there anything more freeing and liberating? A couple months back I went to Seattle, Washington for a photography conference (Shout out to Click Away!) and while I was there I had the amazing opportunity to shoot an outdoor boudoir with a sexy lady and it was fan-freaking-amazing! I mean when you head to […]

Intimate LIfestyle Session by Sarasota Boudoir Photographer - Tami Keehn


Sarasota Boudoir | Intimate Lifestyle Photographer

Can I get a “Hell yeah!” for all the women out there wanting to do more of a lifestyle approach with their boudoir session these days? I think this is so rad, and right up my alley!  What I mean by intimate lifestyle portraits, is that we will approach these with less of the super posed pin-up style, and more […]


How to Prepare for your Boudoir Photography Session

It’s been on your mind. You’ve been thinking about doing a boudoir photography session, but you are not quite sure if you are ready.  You have so many questions going through your mind about how to prepare for a session. When should I book? What do I wear? Can I be sexy enough for this […]


Boudoir Photography | Why it’s a Gift for Yourself, Too

Boudoir photography is a gift that many of my clients will give to their significant other for Valentine’s Day, or for a birthday, or as an anniversary present, or – the most common desire for a session – as a wedding day gift for their future spouse-to-be.  But if there is anything that I’ve learned over the last 8 years […]


Sexy Photo Session | Tampa Boudoir Photographer

 Sometimes as a mom, you just need to have a day away from the kids and the hubby to bring yourself back to sanity. To remind yourself  that every day doesn’t have to have you living in yoga pants, a messy bun and sans makeup.  You need a day of pampering and fun, and to […]


Enticing Red Lips | Tampa Bay Boudoir Photoshoot

The lovely Miss A came to me looking to book a boudoir photoshoot with me as a birthday gift for her hubby. This Tampa Bay area lady also let me know that she is a mama to 3 sweet kiddos, and while she may not have quite gotten her body back to where it used […]


Anniversary Boudoir Session | Saint Petersburg Boudoir Photographer

So with my last boudoir post, I shared a bridal boudoir session.  And it was an amazing shoot! But these boudoir sessions aren’t JUST for those ladies that are engaged to be married. It’s also a wonderful pressie for partners of those of you gorgeous gals that may want to celebrate your anniversary with something that is a bit sexier […]


Bridal Boudoir Session | Tampa Boudoir Photographer

So you are getting married to the man of your dreams in just a few short months and you want to give him THEE perfect gift on your wedding day. I don’t know about you, but if I were a guy about ready to tie the knot with the most gorgeous woman I knew, getting […]


Sexy Noir Boudoir Session | Seminole Boudoir Photography

I get a lot of ladies that are excited to do a boudoir session, but are also a bit nervous or hesitant at first. Agreeing to doing one of these intimate sessions can be a big hurdle for many. It can take awhile for most to feel comfortable enough in their skin while wearing next to nothing.  For instance, […]


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No matter how we work together, you will come away rooted in your self-worth and inner strength, with a stronger mindset, confidence, and clear direction towards your dreams & goals. Step into your greatness, through life-affirming photography, mentoring, and education.

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