
The Boudoir Experience | Saint Petersburg Boudoir Session

  After every boudoir session, I always ask my boudoir babes to tell me what they thought about the experience. So I thought it would be fun to share with you the responses from a recent client. “This session exceeded my expectations. I wanted to do some photos for my fiancé for our wedding, and […]


St Petersburg Bridal Boudoir | The Best Groom’s Gift

It seems like the brides of St Petersburg are upping their game with wedding day gifts…and a boudoir session is just that!   The best part about doing these bridal boudoir sessions is that it’s a great time for brides to step away from the never ending list of “to-do’s” for the wedding day and to just have a […]

Deployment Boudoir Photography Session by Tami Keehn


Deployment Boudoir Photography | Clearwater Boudoir Session

I can only imagine how hard it must be as a wife of a spouse that is in the military. To have to deal with going for possibly several months without seeing the love of your life while they are on deployment. The lovely Miss C has managed to be away from her handsome hubby […]


Fine Art Nudes | Tampa Boudoir Photography

  A common question I will get from potential boudoir clients is, “Do I have to pose nude?” The answer is no. You do not need to get down to your birthday suit or go topless if you do not feel comfortable with it. I have photographed varying levels of clothing and they all exude sexiness. […]


Lifestyle Boudoir Photography | Tampa Boudoir Session

  “She was one of the rare ones, so effortlessly herself, and the world loved her for it.” And that was exactly what the gorgeous, Miss N was…effortless from the moment she walked into her session.  Like most of my clients, she made sure to let me know straight up that she was a little […]


Tampa Bridal Boudoir | The Perfect Gift

Nothing says love quite as perfectly as a bridal boudoir session.   This is a trend that really seemed to pick up steam about 10 years ago, and is still going strong ever since! (And I’m so thankful that it has!) What better way to ease your partner wedding day nerves than to make them […]


Curvy Babe | Tampa Boudoir Photography

  Boudoir is for us curvy babes too.    I recently questioned the lovely ladies in my VIP Boudoir Facebook Group to see what fears were keeping them from doing a session. The top reason by a landslide was that most women don’t feel like they are in good enough shape to pose for boudoir. portraits.  Believe me, […]

Over forty and sexy - boudoir session by Sarasota photographer - Tami Keehn


Over Forty and Sexy | Sarasota Boudoir Photography

  Just because you are over forty doesn’t mean you can’t do a boudoir session.   If there’s anything I’ve learned over the years, is that some of the best things in life seem to get better with age. From your favorite pair of jeans to that yummy bottle of wine, time can be on our sides. […]


Tampa Boudoir Photography | Feminine Beauty

  I just want to give a shout out to all the babes I’ve been getting to do a boudoir session for in the Tampa Bay area lately… Like they are so strikingly beautiful and amazing to work with…I must be the luckiest girl alive to have such a fun job! <3 And I’ve been […]


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No matter how we work together, you will come away rooted in your self-worth and inner strength, with a stronger mindset, confidence, and clear direction towards your dreams & goals. Step into your greatness, through life-affirming photography, mentoring, and education.

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