Rhiannon’s Portraits in Ireland


July 10, 2013

follow @tamikeehn
Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami


Sometimes life throws some amazing opportunities at me. One being my amazing friend Rhiannon.  I had the fortune of meeting her a few years back when I was still working in fitness and I started working with her as her personal trainer. Our sessions together turned into the highlights of my day as we caught up and as I kicked her ass into shape! Haha. Ultimately, Rhee ended up losing over 100 lbs! And she wanted to celebrate all her weight loss with some new portraits. In Europe. That’s the other amazing opportunity thrown my way. I was more than a little hesitant when she first threw the idea out at me to go on a trip to Europe with her. It was going to be just as the busy season started for me and it was also not going to be cheap. But you know what? You only live once and I can honestly say it was one of the best experiences I’ve had to date. (And I PROMISE I will get to blogging some more trip photos in the near future! Haha). So without further ado, here’s a few of my favorites from my photo shoot with Rhiannon.

Rhiannon's Portraits Ireland 1

That’s the Blarney Castle behind her in this next photo!

Rhiannon's Portraits Blarney Ireland 2 Rhiannon's Portraits Blarney Ireland 3 Rhiannon's Portraits Blarney Ireland 4

I LOVED these…the playfulness of the swing set with the background of the regal Ritz Carlton Powerscourt

Rhiannon's Portraits Ireland Ritz Carlton 5 Rhiannon's Portraits Ireland Ritz Carlton 6 Rhiannon's Portraits Ireland 7 Rhiannon's Portraits Ireland 8 Rhiannon's Portraits Ireland 9 Rhiannon's Portraits Ireland 10 Rhiannon's Portraits Ireland 11 Rhiannon's Portraits Ireland 12 2013-07-10_0014Rhiannon's Portraits Ireland 14Rhiannon's Portraits Ireland 13


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