
Resilience: The Power of Bouncing Back After Setbacks


October 15, 2024

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Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami

Life rarely goes according to plan.

We set out with high hopes, aiming to get things right the first time, only to face unexpected challenges. It’s in these moments, when things don’t go perfectly, that our resilience is tested. Resilience isn’t about avoiding failure, but rather about how we respond to it – how we keep moving forward, even when things fall apart.

We often think that success is about getting everything right, but the truth is that your ability to rise after a setback is what truly defines you. Whether you’re recovering from a personal setback, a career disappointment, or something bigger, it’s your bounce-back ability that matters most.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or defeated, I want to remind you: the situation doesn’t define you, but how you choose to move forward will. Here are 6 practical tips to help you feel empowered and ready to bounce back stronger than ever.


Resilience: The Power of Bouncing Back After Setbacks by Tami Keehn

1. Give Yourself Permission to Feel 

Before you move forward, it’s important to acknowledge how you feel. Whether it’s frustration, sadness, or disappointment, allow yourself to experience those emotions without judgment. Bottling up emotions or ignoring them won’t help you in the long run. Take a moment to sit with your feelings and remind yourself that it’s okay to feel upset. Once you’ve processed those emotions, you’ll be in a stronger position to begin rebuilding.

2. Focus on Small Wins 

When you are overwhelmed, the idea of bouncing back can feel impossible. Start by breaking things down into small, achievable steps. Celebrate each small win, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Success is built by consistently taking small steps forward. Whether it’s a simple task or a new perspective, focusing on small wins can reignite your confidence and momentum.


3. Reframe Failure as Learning

Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, try reframing them as lessons. Every time something doesn’t go as planned, there’s an opportunity to learn and grow. Ask yourself, “What can I take away from this experience?” By shifting your mindset to one of growth, you reduce the power that failure has over you. Mistakes don’t define your path – what you learn from them does.


4. Reconnect with your ‘Why’

When we’re knocked down, it’s easy to lose sight of what motivates us. Take some time to reflect on why you started your journey in the first place. What fuels your passion? What are your ultimate goals? Reconnecting with your “why” can reignite that fire inside and provide clarity on your next steps. When your purpose is clear, your obstacles become less overwhelming.


5. Practice Self-Compassion

Resilience isn’t about pushing yourself to the limit or expecting perfection. It’s about treating yourself with kindness, even when things don’t go as planned. If you are hard on yourself after a setback, you’re more likely to stay stuck in negative emotions. Instead, offer yourself the same encouragement you’d give a friend. Remind yourself that setbacks are part of the journey and that you have the strength to keep moving forward.


6. Surround Yourself with Support

When life knocks you down, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to go through it alone. Reach out to supportive friends, family, or a community that uplifts you. Talking to others can provide new perspectives, encouragement, and a sense of connection that’s so crucial when you’re rebuilding after a setback. Surrounding yourself with positive energy will remind you that you’re not alone in your journey.


Resilience is Built, Not born. 

No one is born with endless resilience. It’s something we build over time, through our experiences, our mindset, and our willingness to keep moving forward – even when things feel hard. Whether you’re facing challenges today or sometime down the road, remember that your ability to rise after setbacks is what truly defines you. Take one step at a time, give yourself grace, and remember that every setback is just another chapter in your comeback story.

Remember, it’s not the fall that defines you, but how you rise.

Do you need help rebuilding your resilience after a recent setback? Sign up for a FREE phone consultation with me, your personal certified life + self-worth coach and we will chat more about how 1:1 coaching will help you move past this setback and continue to grow forward towards your hopes + dreams.



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