How to Prepare for your Boudoir Photography Session


September 21, 2016

follow @tamikeehn
Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami

It’s been on your mind. You’ve been thinking about doing a boudoir photography session, but you are not quite sure if you are ready.  You have so many questions going through your mind about how to prepare for a session. When should I book? What do I wear? Can I be sexy enough for this type of session? Don’t you worry! I have you covered!

Read my top 10 tips on how to prep for a boudoir shoot below and you will all set and ready to go! 😉


1. Book a date for at least 4-6 weeks in advance.

I can’t tell you the number of gals trying to book me for a session so they can gift their significant other in the next week or so, and I have to be the bearer of bad news to them. It literally breaks my heart! I know a lot of times it’s a last minute idea, but to make sure we have enough time to get your session scheduled, photos edited, products designed and then ordered and delivered, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to book for a date that is 4-6 weeks out from when you plan to deliver your sexy photos to your partner.  Depending on the time of year, I can make some exceptions, but you may incur a rush delivery fee.

2. Complete my questionnaire after booking.

This is so pertinent! This questionnaire helps me get a better idea of what your ultimate goals are for your final products, and it helps me help YOU with prepping for your shoot. It will let me get a better understanding of what you wish to bare during your shoot  (as well as not share), and we can work together with each other to deterring what types of outfits/accessories will work best for your boudoir shoot.

3. Don’t freak out about not knowing how to pose!

I can’t tell you how many ladies have messaged me freaking out about this! But guess what? 99.9% of the women I photograph are just everyday women. Not models. They are women that have likely never done a sexy photoshoot before, and are just as intimidated. But girl, I have you covered! I will be there demonstrating and leading you through your session. After 8 years in the business, I KNOW how to help you create poses that will give you amazing images that you are after!

How to prepare for a boudoir photography session by Tami Keehn

4. Create a Pinterest board together with me.

I know there are probably photographer reading this and dying inside about it. Many of us photographers will get clients asking to replicate a pose exactly, and honestly…that’s near impossible. We aren’t the same “models” in the same location at the same time of day. BUT, what a Pinterest board does for me is it gives me a better idea of the style/mood/feel of what you are looking for. I can see the imagery you are drawn to and can work with that for your session. It will also key me into what type of wardrobe might work well for you. And don’t worry…we can make sure it is private so no one else knows what kind of amazingness you are planning. 😉 If you’d like some inspiration now, be sure to check out this Boudoir Inspiration board of mine.

How to prepare for a boudoir photography session by Tami Keehn

5. Bring Extras. 

Big question I am asked…how many outfits should I bring? Bring them all! Haha. We will likely not get through them all (usually we will capture 2-3 styles), but it’s better to have everything there and options to choose from together than to have you wishing you would have brought that other outfit/accessory! If you are looking for some outfit inspiration, check out my board here.

6. Avoid doing a fake tan.

It’s likely to leave you looking a little orange or streaky, so just don’t.  Nobody wants to look like an Oompa Loompa, so just go along with your beautiful natural complexion! 😉

7. Cut your tags.

Silky, see-through lingerie does not look good with a tag saying you are a size medium! Haha. Be sure to cut out your tags (or bring a pair of scissors with you if you have some outfit options you aren’t sure you will keep), so we can eliminate unsightly tags.

How to prepare for a boudoir photography session by Tami Keehn

8. Wear lose fitting clothing upon the start of your session.

We don’t need any unsightly red marks on you from something that was tight or rubbing on your skin. Wear something comfy and lose while you get all dolled up with hair and makeup and then we can pick out the first outfit of the day from there!

9. Arrive at your session cleansed and moisturized.

Ladies we want to see you with clean, dry hair, and a cleansed face that has been moisturized. This will speed up the process with hair and makeup so we can spend more time getting those amazing images you are desiring.

How to prepare for your boudoir photography session by Tami Keehn

10. Don’t worry! Prepare to have fun.

Yes, a booking a boudoir session can be intimidating, but trust me…it’s going to be so much fun! It will be an experience you won’t soon forget! And if you still have some questions leading up to the big day…please don’t hesitate to email me and I can help you so you have the best experience ever!

How to prepare for a boudoir photography session by Tami Keehn

So are you ready for the gift of self-love? It’s time to embrace the inner vixen and book a boudoir photography shoot today. See my pricing page or contact me today to book your Tampa area boudoir session!


If you’d like to first to know about boudoir promotions and see sneaks peeks before everyone else does, join the Tamarie Photography VIP Boudoir Group on Facebook today!


Comments +

  1. Emily says:

    Such a great post!!

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