Europe Part 4 – London England


August 30, 2013

follow @tamikeehn
Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami

Before I let too much time get away from me with posting the last part of my travel excursions (like the 3 years that went by before I posted about my last trip to Europe!), I figured I was going to buckle down and do it this afternoon.  I don’t want to forget about all the cool details about the places I visited.  So here’s the last installment of my Europe Travels from mid-May to early-June. If you missed the first few posts, you can check them out out here: Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3.

We tossed back and forth of whether we wanted to catch a flight or take the rail & sail over to England and we ultimately decided to take the boat and the train. I actually really enjoyed being able to travel across the countryside of England and even getting a brief moment in Wales. 🙂 We arrived at our accommodations for the week – A really cute place at Studios2Let in Camden right near the Euston Station (A short 10 minute walk from where the train dropped us off).

London Trip 1

(Yes, my Guinness Girl shirt that I picked up from Dublin matched perfectly with the decor of our London room. Haha!)

Below is the adorable garden patio out back of our place!

London Trip 2

We didn’t do too much that first evening as we wanted to rest up for our race the next day. Me & Rhiannon had signed up to run the Bupa London 10k through the streets of London. We started and finished along the Mall right near Buckingham Palace and St James Park. It was so incredibly cool to run along the streets of such a historic city and to take in a different view from the usual tourist!

London Bupa 10000 2013 Start Bupa London 10k Buckingham Palace Bupa London 10k 2013 Bupa London 10k 2013 Finish Bupa London 10k 2013 Done

After going back to our place to freshen up we headed out to explore the town and get some lunch! Of course I HAD to do the London Eye again! You can’t beat it when it comes to getting a great view of the city and seeing sights such at Parliment, Big Ben, and Westminster bridge.

London Trip 1 London Trip 2 London Trip 3London Trip 18London Trip 4 London Trip 5 Phone Booth London Trip Big Ben London Trip 14 London Trip Parliament London Trip London Eye London Trip 17 London Trip Big Ben Pinch London Trip 20 Jump London Trip Parliment Big Ben Night time

We had some stereotypical weather while we were there…cool and, of course we got some London drizzle.

London Rain

We did some visiting to Trafalgar Square & the National Museum

London National GalleryLondon National Gallery 2 London Trafalgar Square

Hit up Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly Circus

Got to see inside the replica of the Globe Theatre

London Globe Theatre

Went to Covent Gardens for some shopping and saw some quite interesting street performers…

Covent Garden Street Performer

The final few days in London, my dear British friends, Lil & Lindsey, joined us for some fun at some of the area parks. We saw some beauty at Hyde Park

Hyde Park 1 Hyde Park 2 Hyde Park 3 Ducks Hyde Park 4 Flowers

We got visited the platform for 9 3/4 for Rhiannon and Shera – big Harry Potter fans. 🙂

Platform 9 3/4 Harry Potter

Someone informed me about the breathtaking views of the city from Primrose Hill so we decided to check it out and he wasn’t mistaken!

Primrose Hill Jump Primrose Hill 1 Primrose Hill Tami Primrose Hill Lil

After that we headed to Camden Locks for some cocktails. This was a cool area that I’d really like to check out more of the next time I ever make it to London. Camden Lock

I was so excited to finally get a chance to visit the Tower of London.

Tower of London 1 Tower of London Crown Jewels Tower of London

Some great views from inside of the Tower bridge and other great architectural structures such as the city hall and the shard building.

London Tower Bridge London Cityscape

And let me tell you, the National History Museum was beyond cool! So many floors of stuff that we only saw a small portion. And to think that all the museums are free in this city!!

London National History Museum London National History Museum

And something very cool that we ended up trying was the London Ice Bar!  This place was very cool…both literally and figuratively!  But I will say, after 15 minutes in it, i was definitely chilled! Haha.

London Ice Bar 2

And once last shot from my visit to London. Yeah, it’s just a crummy photo taken in a rush because we were in a busy spot in the tube, but it was a photo of me and my amazing friends that definitely made my trip and keeps me craving more exploration.

London Trip Group Shot


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