7 Ways to Practice Self Love | Your Self-Care Checklist


February 1, 2020

follow @tamikeehn
Since 2008, I’ve told womens’ stories through empowering boudoir sessions. Now as a certified life coach as well as a photographer, I help women cultivate radical self-love, guided by mindset. Sit back with a margarita  in hand and let's do this transformational journey together.
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Hi, I'm tami

Self-care is essential to living a happy + abundant life. But many times giving yourself a little self-love can fall by the wayside. 

I get it. It’s in our innate nature as women to serve + put others before ourselves. But always remember, you are your biggest and longest investment, so you need to make sure you take care of yourself too! I always say, when you show yourself love, you can love others so much more! So if you are in a bit of a funk right now and could use some self-lovin’, here are my top 7 ways to practice self-care.

Happy girl drinking an iced mocha at Bandit Coffee in St Petersburg, Florida by Tami Keehn

Tip #1 – Practice Gratitude

Begin your day by writing your top 3 things that you are grateful for each morning. This is an amazing way to start off your day on a positive note that will trickle into the rest of your day.  

Tip #2 – Set Boundaries + Stick to them

There’s nothing that will cause you more frustration than feeling like others are taking advantage of you. Have you ever noticed that when you give a little, people end up taking a lot? Know what you are comfortable with and stick to it! When you are clear about your boundaries + the consequences for breaking them, there’s no wishy-washy uncertainty anymore and you start to feel much more respected.

Tip #3 – Appreciate that life is a 50/50 mix of good + bad

We all want to “just be happy”. And have it be sunshine + rainbows every day. But is that what you really want? Do you want to be happy when your loved one passes away? Probably not. You’re going to be sad and there’s nothing wrong with that. Learning to accept that you cannot truly appreciate the good without the bad will help you tremendously with lifting the weight you feel from the bad. The contrast is what makes you appreciate the good so so much more!

Woman spinning in a happy circle at Marie Selby Gardens in Sarasota by Tami Keehn

Tip #4 – Delight in the small moments of joy

It can be easy to focus on the negative, but appreciating the little joys can add up to be plentiful. A majority of life is the mundane, so don’t waste your life waiting for the adventures. There is so much beauty in the little things of everyday life.

Tip #5 – Nourish + Move your body

Your body is a crazy amazing vessel. I mean just think of all that it does…it had the ability to heal itself. How rad it that? When you provide your body with the nutrients it needs + oxygen-rich blood from a healthy sweat-fest, it will help to reenergize you + get you feeling good about yourself!

Camera and pass for Carnegie Hall - Social Squares

Tip #6 – Enjoy a day of Tech Detox + Get Creative

The constant buzz + stream of information from social media + entertainment outlets can get really overwhelming sometimes. It can cause unhealthy comparisons + distractions from the things that really provide joy in your life. Take a day off and do something creative – journal, draw, paint, go on a photo adventure, create something amazing with whatever crafty skills you have. Nothing quite like a creative day to reinvigorate your juices.

Tip #7 – Create loving affirmations for yourself

Remind yourself what a badass you have the possibility to be. When you generate a positive + believable phrase (it can’t be too far out there!) that you can repeat daily to bring you into a better place, you will be setting your intentions that will ultimately create the life you desire. Your thoughts will ultimately create the results you want with your life, so be intentional with your thoughts + beliefs.

7 Ways to practice Self-Love: Your Self Care Checklist

Tell us your tips + tricks!

How do you practice self-love?  Post in the comments below! Or feel free to email me if you want to chat it out!


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