
Thank You – Facebook



Thank you so much for contacting me! I am beyond honored that you are considering me to be your photographer! Please expect a response from me within 1-2 business days.


If for some unlikely reason you don’t hear back from me, please try me by email at hello@tamikeehn.com


My business hours // Monday – Friday from 10 AM – 4 PM or by appointment



While you wait for a message back from me, some great links to check out are:

Instagram // This is where you will see sneak peeks of recent sessions, and my day-to-day shenanigans in my stories. Give me a follow to keep up!

Blog // Check out some stories on previous sessions that I’ve done

Boudoir VIP Group // Ladies only – link up with other past, present, & future boudie babes and be a part of exclusive offerings!

My Tools // This has links to some of my favorite tools of the trade! Whether it be gear, education, health + wellness…these are things I love!